Rockland Hosts OMG Ocean Microstructure Glider Workshop in Gothenburg, Sweden

We’re excited to announce that Rockland Scientific is planning to hold an Ocean Microstructure Glider (OMG) Workshop in the Spring of 2025, hosted by the Voice of the Ocean Foundation (VOTO) in Gothenburg, Sweden! 🇸🇪

📅 When: May 5-9, 2025

📍 Where: Gothenburg, Sweden

This workshop brings together ocean scientists, glider users, and marine technology experts to provide training & foster collaborations for glider-based ocean turbulence measurements. Spots are limited, and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested in attending, please contact us via our website here.

Stay tuned for more details!

Ocean Microstructure Glider Workshop, OMG 2018, Bermuda, May 28 – June 1, 2018

OMG 2018 is a specialized training program for Rockland turbulence measurement systems that are integrated with ocean gliders.

OMG 2018 will be hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Glider Initiative & Collaboration (MAGIC) at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. Training will be optimized for both scientists and technicians and facilitated by instrument specialists from Rockland Scientific.

Fees to attend OMG 2018 are $1,650 USD and do not include transportation & accommodation. Please contact to register. Dormitory room & board at BIOS is also available.

For details click here to see the RSI OMG 2018 Flyer

Day 1, May 28
• The Turbulence Mixer Kick-Off
Reception (evening)

Day 2, May 29 Classroom
• Overview of OMG Measurement System
• Ocean Microstructure Measurement Theory & Sensors
• Data Acquisition Software
• Pre-Deployment Checks

Day 3, May 30 Field Day
• Field measurements with OMG
(separation into two groups)
• Group 1 morning
• Group 2 afternoon

Day 4, May 31 Classroom
• Post Cruise Maintenance
• Data Conversion and Processing
• Special Topics Presentation (afternoon)
• Guest Speaker TBD
• OMG Banquet Dinner (evening)

Day 5, June 1 Breakout Rooms
• Advanced Data Processing and Analysis
• For Scientists
• Advanced Troubleshooting
• For Technicians
• Special Topics Presentations (afternoon)
• Guest Speakers TBD

Ocean Turbulence Workshop : 22 – 26 January 2018

With support from the ONR-Global  program, the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab at UKZN, in collaboration with Rockland Scientific, is organizing a training workshop on Ocean Turbulence in January 2018. Rockland’s Dr Rolf Leuck, a leading international expert on the measurement of ocean microstructure,  will lead the workshop. The course deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of understanding and measuring ocean microstructure associated with turbulent mixing. The attached flyer contains more detailed information and a link to a web site with an on-line registration process.

UKNZ particularly encourages graduate students to attend but all interested researchers are welcome to participate.

Detailed information and registration at:

For more information: UKZN Ocean Turbulence workshop

CRECHE Seminar: An EM flow sensor for measuring the axial speed of gliders

An underwater glider deployed by CRECHE doing fine scale measurements near Sodwana Bay [Photo: Sean Whelan – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute]

Many thanks to the Centre for Research on Environmental, Coastal and Hydrological Engineering (CRECHE) for hosting Dr. Fabian Wolk, the President and co-founder of Rockland Scientific Inc. (Victoria, BC, Canada), a leading developer of scientific instrumentation for ocean microstructure and turbulence measurements. Fabian presented a seminar regarding instrumentation used on robotic autonomous underwater gliders that can be used for long-term ocean deployments that measure mixing and other features of our oceans. CRECHE currently has a project doing such measurements in the Agulhas current off the east coast of KZN – the first such measurements made in this region.
TOPIC: An electro-magnetic flow sensor for measuring the axial speed of gliders
ABSTRACT: The axial speed of the glider, U, is an important quantity that affects the flight dynamics of the glider as well as the accuracy of certain oceanographic observations. For example, accurate knowledge of U is required when converting measurement points from time-domain spacing to spatial-domain spacing. Some sensors, e.g. turbulence shear probes, require U for proper scaling of the measured signal. While U can be estimated from hydrodynamic models, a direct measurement of the axial speed is preferred in many applications.  This presentation introduces a small current speed sensor that can be added to gliders to directly measure U to improve glider-borne measurements with shear probes.

IAPSO – IAMAS – IAGA Conference

Dr. Fabian Wolk and Dr. Rolf Lueck will be at the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO) Conference in Cape Town, South Africa from August 27 to September 1, 2017.

European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference

Dr. Justine McMillan and Jeremy Hancyk will be at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) in Cork, Ireland from August 27 to September 1, 2017.

Justine will be presenting her paper “An Assessment of the TKE Balance at a Tidal Energy Site Using ADCP and Shear Probe Measurements” at the conference.

OMG 2017: Ocean Microstructure Glider Training

Ocean Microstructure Glider training, “OMG 2017”, is a 4-day training workshop that covers all aspects of turbulence measurements using MicroRider integration with ocean glider platforms. The training workshop will cover setup, operation, maintenance, deployment and processing of turbulence data. The workshop is scheduled for April 24-27, 2017 in Victoria, B.C. Canada. Please see the OMG 2017 Preliminary Schedule for details. The event promises to bring together a diverse group of scientists from around the world. Seats are limited, to register please fill out the OMG 2017 Registration Form.


VicTOR 2016 Success!

Thank you to everyone who attended VicTOR 2016. It was a successful week and we are happy to see so many people learning about ocean turbulence.


Visitor’s Info Package for VicTOR 2016 Released

Only 2 weeks until VicTOR 2016!

Please find all the information in our VicTOR 2016 Information Package.