Technical Training or Turbulence Workshop provided by Rockland Scientific

Rockland Hosts OMG Ocean Microstructure Glider Workshop in Gothenburg, Sweden

We’re excited to announce that Rockland Scientific is planning to hold an Ocean Microstructure Glider (OMG) Workshop in the Spring of 2025, hosted by the Voice of the Ocean Foundation (VOTO) in Gothenburg, Sweden! 🇸🇪

📅 When: May 5-9, 2025

📍 Where: Gothenburg, Sweden

This workshop brings together ocean scientists, glider users, and marine technology experts to provide training & foster collaborations for glider-based ocean turbulence measurements. Spots are limited, and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested in attending, please contact us via our website here.

Stay tuned for more details!

Ocean Turbulence Workshop in South Africa Lead by Rockland Microstructure Specialists


“UKZN’s Department of Civil Engineering held the first ever workshop on Ocean Turbulence in South Africa.

The workshop was facilitated by Derek Stretch, Professor for Environmental Fluid Mechanics, with funding provided through an Office of Naval Research (ONR) global grant.

Turbulence at microstructure scales (a centimetre or less) is an important mechanism for mixing in the ocean where regions of enhanced turbulence can influence the entire marine food web. Turbulence is, however, difficult to measure and requires very sensitive and specialised equipment and highly skilled scientists to process and interpret the data.” Read More


Ocean Microstructure Glider Workshop, OMG 2018, Bermuda, May 28 – June 1, 2018

OMG 2018 is a specialized training program for Rockland turbulence measurement systems that are integrated with ocean gliders.

OMG 2018 will be hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Glider Initiative & Collaboration (MAGIC) at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. Training will be optimized for both scientists and technicians and facilitated by instrument specialists from Rockland Scientific.

Fees to attend OMG 2018 are $1,650 USD and do not include transportation & accommodation. Please contact to register. Dormitory room & board at BIOS is also available.

For details click here to see the RSI OMG 2018 Flyer

Day 1, May 28
• The Turbulence Mixer Kick-Off
Reception (evening)

Day 2, May 29 Classroom
• Overview of OMG Measurement System
• Ocean Microstructure Measurement Theory & Sensors
• Data Acquisition Software
• Pre-Deployment Checks

Day 3, May 30 Field Day
• Field measurements with OMG
(separation into two groups)
• Group 1 morning
• Group 2 afternoon

Day 4, May 31 Classroom
• Post Cruise Maintenance
• Data Conversion and Processing
• Special Topics Presentation (afternoon)
• Guest Speaker TBD
• OMG Banquet Dinner (evening)

Day 5, June 1 Breakout Rooms
• Advanced Data Processing and Analysis
• For Scientists
• Advanced Troubleshooting
• For Technicians
• Special Topics Presentations (afternoon)
• Guest Speakers TBD

Ocean Turbulence Workshop : 22 – 26 January 2018

With support from the ONR-Global  program, the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab at UKZN, in collaboration with Rockland Scientific, is organizing a training workshop on Ocean Turbulence in January 2018. Rockland’s Dr Rolf Leuck, a leading international expert on the measurement of ocean microstructure,  will lead the workshop. The course deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of understanding and measuring ocean microstructure associated with turbulent mixing. The attached flyer contains more detailed information and a link to a web site with an on-line registration process.

UKNZ particularly encourages graduate students to attend but all interested researchers are welcome to participate.

Detailed information and registration at:

For more information: UKZN Ocean Turbulence workshop

Well-Attended Inaugural China Ocean Turbulence Workshop (COTW 2017) Comes to a Close

QINGDAO, CHINA, November 3, 2017 – Rockland Scientific Inc. (Rockland), in cooperation with partners JFE Advantech (JFE) and Ocean Science & Technology Company, Inc. (OST-Qingdao), have successfully concluded the inaugural China Ocean Turbulence Workshop (COTW) in Qingdao this week.  The 2017 COTW, with 45 delegates, brought together a wide range of Rockland instrument users from across China.  A comprehensive functional training course covered the design, operation, maintenance and data processing for VMP-250, VMP-500 and VMP-X, as well as the MicroRider-1000 used on the Petrel-II ocean glider, developed by Tianjin University.  There were four instructors from Rockland Scientific and JFE Advantech, while OST-Qingdao organized and facilitated the large event.

In addition to hands-on training, Rockland Scientific opened a two-week “pop-up” service workshop to perform instrument inspections, maintenance and repair at the OST-Qingdao office.  Rockland’s Chinese customers were eager to take advantage of this new service initiative.  The “pop-up” workshop also provided the opportunity for Rockland to interact with customers directly regarding service issues and further train OST-Qingdao technical staff to increase their service capabilities in-country.

The next China Ocean Turbulence Workshop is scheduled for 2018.  COTW 2018 will be expanded to include scientific presentations and panel discussions from Chinese and international microstructure turbulence researchers.  For more information, or to be notified of details as they become available, please contact













The 1st Summer School of Upper Ocean Turbulence, Gdańsk 2016

The purpose of the ‘Summer School of Upper Ocean Turbulence’ was to teach students (graduate students and scientists) in the art of turbulence theory, processes and measurements with the focus on the upper ocean.

The 2 week course included a 2 week intensive training period (25 July – 5 August) with lectures by a diverse set of international experts that intend to cover a broad spectrum of problems ranging from application of spectral methods in turbulence data analysis to numerical methods in turbulence research. The last week of the program (8-12 August) included at sea data collection and hands-on experience in data analysis with VMP250 turbulence microstructure profiler. Read More>>

OMG 2017: Ocean Microstructure Glider Training

Ocean Microstructure Glider training, “OMG 2017”, is a 4-day training workshop that covers all aspects of turbulence measurements using MicroRider integration with ocean glider platforms. The training workshop will cover setup, operation, maintenance, deployment and processing of turbulence data. The workshop is scheduled for April 24-27, 2017 in Victoria, B.C. Canada. Please see the OMG 2017 Preliminary Schedule for details. The event promises to bring together a diverse group of scientists from around the world. Seats are limited, to register please fill out the OMG 2017 Registration Form.


VicTOR 2016 Success!

Thank you to everyone who attended VicTOR 2016. It was a successful week and we are happy to see so many people learning about ocean turbulence.


Visitor’s Info Package for VicTOR 2016 Released

Only 2 weeks until VicTOR 2016!

Please find all the information in our VicTOR 2016 Information Package.