Rockland Hosts OMG Ocean Microstructure Glider Workshop in Halifax
It has always been ingrained in Rocklands identity to actively collaborate and empower scientists to achieve their goals. In line with this mission the Rockland Scientific team based at COVE (Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship), in Halifax, Nova Scotia, had the opportunity to organize an Ocean Microstructure Glider (OMG) workshop for a group of Dalhousie University physical oceanographers and glider technicians.
The workshop took place at COVE, in early September 2023, where the Dalhousie team gained knowledge of ocean turbulence theory, while also exploring the functions and capabilities of the OMG – which includes the Rockland MicroRider-1000 Turbulence Module for gliders. The workshop featured a hands-on training session aboard a Connors diving vessel departing from COVE. Collaborating with the Dalhousie Glider group (CEOTR), an OMG was deployed in the Bedford Basin, where it performed numerous test dives. Workshop participants learned to prepare and deploy the OMG system. Furthermore, alongside the OMG, a Rockland Scientific MicroCTD was deployed in both downward and uprising configurations, aiming to compare turbulence data collected by these two distinct instruments.
The workshop concluded with instrument maintenance and technical instruction on the use of microstructure probes, as well as the processing of turbulence data obtained from gliders. The workshop provided valuable learning opportunities for both the Rockland and Dalhousie teams. Rockland looks forward to ongoing collaboration with the participants of the Dalhousie OMG workshop, while they prepare for their future deployment in the Labrador Sea.