VMP 6000 Turbulence Profiler
The VMP-6000 is a full ocean-depth profiling system for measurement of turbulence microstructure, CTD, and other oceanographic parameters. The VMP-6000 operates autonomously (without connection to the ship) and records data on the downward portion of the profile. At a programmed depth, the VMP-6000 releases ballast and returns to the surface, where it can be located with the help of RF beacon, strobe, and ARGO positioning transmitter.
System Overview
- Depth rating 6000 m
- Up to 6 turbulence sensors (shear probes, thermistors, micro conductivity).
- WOCE accuracy CTD.
- High grade accelerometers (3x).
- Internal data acquisition 4 GB solid state disk, LINUX OS.
- Rechargeable battery pack.
- Ballast release mechanism with 5 time redundent release mechanism.
- Geo-electro magnetic current meter for fine-scale shear measurements available.
- RF beacon, ARGO transmitter, and Xenon flasher.