Software Versions

List of current Rockland Instrument Software and Data Processing Software versions. To request the latest version of software listed below, please contact Technical Support. If you do not see your software listed below please contact customer support. Please note that the Rockland Data Logger (RDL vDL3) software is applicable to instruments with Serial Number 400 and higher.

Data Visualization Software
  • Zissou Essentials v2.1.0
Data Processing Software
  • ODAS MatLab Library v4.5.1 (released 2022 June), Includes a correction to the Goodman Routine to compensate for the finite-length correlation bias. See Technical Note – 061 for more details. 
Rockland Data Logger (RDL vDL3) Instrument Software
  • Update coming soon!
CF2 Persistor Internally Recording Instrument Software
  • ODAS5IR v4.0.0
  • RSILink v4.1 (M1 macOS)
  • RSILink v4.0 (macOS)
  • RSILink v4.0 (Linux)
  • RSILink v4.0.1 (Windows), fixes bug in v4.0.0 that prevented download of more than 80 files from instrument
Real Time Instrument Software (non-RDL Real Time Instruments)
  • ODAS-RT v3.4.1