VMP-250 Allows Danish Researchers to Observe how Turbulence and Vertical Mixing Affect Nutrient Flux Processes in Northeastern North Sea

Dr. Jørgen Bendtsen, ClimateLab Denmark., Professor Katherine Richardson, Centre for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen.   Deployment of the VMP-250 from the R/V Dana in the North Sea, July 2016. The instrument is deployed ~5 m from the free-drifting ship, and after it has been lowered to the […]

Ocean Turbulence Workshop in South Africa Lead by Rockland Microstructure Specialists

  “UKZN’s Department of Civil Engineering held the first ever workshop on Ocean Turbulence in South Africa. The workshop was facilitated by Derek Stretch, Professor for Environmental Fluid Mechanics, with funding provided through an Office of Naval Research (ONR) global grant. Turbulence at microstructure scales (a centimetre or less) is an important mechanism for mixing in the […]

Rockland and Alseamar Show Results of the Partnership Signed at Oceanology Intl. 2016.

London, UK, March 13, 2018 – Rockland and Alseamar are proud to show the results of their recent partnership.  At the previous OI 2016, both companies agreed on a joint R&D program to develop a turbulence sensor payload for the Alseamar SeaExplorer glider.  The first customer conducted successful deployments with the sensor payload, the MicroRider-SE, […]

Boaty McBoatface uses MicroRider to observe mixing under 600m thick ice shelf in the Antarctic

“Boaty McBoatface” has executed its most daring dive yet. The nation’s favourite yellow submarine swam under a near-600m thick ice shelf in the Antarctic, returning safely to its launch ship after 48 hours away. It was an important test for the novel autonomous vehicle, which was developed at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC). Boaty’s […]

InSTREAM Project Characterizes and Models Turbulence from Tank Test to Tidal Channel

The recently completed InSTREAM project assessed fundamental differences in turbulent flow measured in the field, generated in a tank and simulated in a numerical model To mitigate the risk and uncertainty associated with turbulent flows in tidal channels, developers often use tank experiments and numerical simulations to assess the power and loading performance of a […]