VMP-250 hands-on demonstration at Ocean Business 2015

Rockland is hosting a hands-on demonstration of the VMP-250 microstructure turbulence profiler as part of Ocean Business 2015, NOC Southampton. This course is free to attend, but registration is required on the Ocean Business 2015 website. The demonstration will be in two parts: a 1-hour field demonstration and a 1-hour classroom session.  Wednesday, April 15, 1:30 – […]

Rockland Scientific and FloWaveTT join forces to improve understanding of tidal turbulence

FloWave and Rockland Scientific join forces to improve understanding of tidal turbulence Agreement paves way for broader collaboration on measuring turbulence ‘from the lab to the ocean’ (Official News Release – 02 June 2015) Two of the leading organisations in ocean energy research have pledged to work together to measure and understand the impact of […]

Summer Internship – Sciences Without Borders

VICTORIA, CANADA June 23, 2014 – Rockland Scientific (RSI) is pleased present the interim results of our first summer internship from the Borders (SWB) program. Through this bi-lateral exchange program between Canada and Brazil, RSI has brought Carolina Machado Lima de Camargo onto the oceanographic team to assist in customer service and in-house applied research programs.

Carolina is a full-time undergraduate student of the Institute of Oceanography at the Federal University of Rio Grande in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through the Sciences Without Borders program, she attended two academic terms in the Ocean Sciences Program at the University of British Columbia. Upon completing the academic portion of the exchange program, participants in the Sciences Without Borders program are encouraged to engage in a summer internship that provides real-world experience working day-to-day in an institution or private sector company in their respective discipline.

Scotland to Study Turbulence for Tidal Industry with Rockland Equipment

The Marine Executive reports that Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has announced that the Scottish Government’s Marine Renewables Commercialisation Fund (MRCF) Array Technology Innovation Programme has made an award to a team of marine experts – to undertake a research project on Turbulence in Marine Environments (TIME) for measuring and evaluating turbulent effects in tidal arrays in Scottish Waters.

Uprising VMP-250 Profiler System for University of Bergen Norway

Rockland Scientific has been awarded a contract to deliver a VMP-250 Turbulence Profiler to the University of Bergen, Norway. The VMP-250 system includes a buoyancy collar and remote-controlled weight release mechanism, allowing the profiler to be operated in an uprising configuration. University of Bergen researcher Dr. Ilker Fer, will deploy the VMP-250 during the Arctic […]