Robotic Ocean Turbulence Measurements at the Observatório Oceânico da Madeira

When scientists go on holiday: Rockland’s Dr. Rolf Lueck recently presented “Robotic Ocean Turbulence Measurements” as the guest speaker at the Observatório Oceânico da Madeira. The presentation focused on the measurement of micro-turbulence, the autonomous vehicles used with the instruments and their respective technological advances.

Boaty McBoatface’s Rockland MicroRider

“Boaty’s second big adventure in the Orkney Passage (from Eleanor Frajka-Williams) Here is the promised post about Boaty’s second mission in the Orkney Passage, which took place during 12-14 April. This post was written by Eleanor Frajka-Williams of Southampton University, with some editing by Stephen Griffies of NOAA/GFDL and Princeton University. It should appeal especially […]

Canada’s first three-glider mission maps whale habitat

Ocean Tracking Network: For the first time in Canada, a triple glider project has successfully mapped out critical gray whale habitat off the west coast of Vancouver Island. While previous missions have deployed one or two gliders, this Whales, Habitat, and Listening (WHaLe) project—funded by the Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction, and Response (MEOPAR)—is the first to […]

The 1st Summer School of Upper Ocean Turbulence, Gdańsk 2016

The 2 week course included a 2 week intensive training period (25 July – 5 August) with lectures by a diverse set of international experts that intend to cover a broad spectrum of problems ranging from application of spectral methods in turbulence data analysis to numerical methods in turbulence research. The last week of the […]

OMG 2017: Ocean Microstructure Glider Training

Ocean Microstructure Glider training, “OMG 2017”, is a 4-day training workshop that covers all aspects of turbulence measurements using MicroRider integration with ocean glider platforms. The training workshop will cover setup, operation, maintenance, deployment and processing of turbulence data. The workshop is scheduled for April 24-27, 2017 in Victoria, B.C. Canada. Please see the OMG 2017 […]