OMG 2017: Ocean Microstructure Glider Training

Ocean Microstructure Glider training, “OMG 2017”, is a 4-day training workshop that covers all aspects of turbulence measurements using MicroRider integration with ocean glider platforms. The training workshop will cover setup, operation, maintenance, deployment and processing of turbulence data. The workshop is scheduled for April 24-27, 2017 in Victoria, B.C. Canada. Please see the OMG 2017 […]

Scientists Explain How Meltwater Reaches Ocean Depths

January 30th, 2017 Press Release  An international team of researchers has discovered why fresh water, melted from Antarctic ice sheets, is often detected below the surface of the ocean, rather than rising to the top above denser seawater. The team found that the Earth’s rotation influences the way meltwater behaves – keeping it at depths […]

Live LAMTOV demo at Ocean Business 2017

Rockland Scientific and OceansScan-MST are pleased to announce our free live demo of the LAMTOV (Light Autonomous Microstructure Turbulence Vehicle) at Ocean Business 2017. The LAMTOV is an integration of Rockland’s neutrally buoyant MicroRider 1000 and OceanScan-MST’s LAUV. Please join us to experience this exciting collaboration. The dockside demonstration will begin at 10:30 on Wednesday, April 5th […]

Happy Holidays: Office closed from December 26-30

Please be advised that the Rockland Scientific office will be closed between December 26th to the 30th 2016. Everyone at Rockland wishes you a joyous holiday season especially if you find yourself at sea during this time. If you require support over the holidays please do not hesitate to contact We will respond promptly […]

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Rockland Scientific! Emma is winning with her MicroCTD Turbulence Profiler costume. Do you want to learn more about our MicroCTD? Click here!